Mar 25, 2022

The Number 1 Problem That Keeps People From Financial Independence | What Is The “8-5” Mentality?

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Financial Independence

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The world is fast-paced, and innovations are made with the hope of making things easier for everyone, but an imbalance exists that cannot be corrected without much effort. The most that some can do is break free from the status quo and seek new economic opportunities and financial freedom. A salary offers consistency but cannot meet every need or cover every problem. Hence, passive income can be a more reliable source, and one of the best ways to earn passive income is by taking advantage of blockchain technology. Breaking free from traditional income can be difficult for many. One issue stands in the way for many, and it is one of the most prominent problems that keep us from financial independence, and that is what we will discuss. 

The “8-5” Mentality?

When you look at this title, you probably already have an idea of the “8-5” mentality, but for a better understanding, we will offer a bit of an explanation. Many see eight to five as the traditional working hours. This block of time is a third of our day and, for many, over half of their waking hours. There is hardly any time for much else. For a parent, this also involves handling family and household affairs. The mentality that comes from this is the inability or unwillingness to work beyond that time. We confine all of our earnings opportunities to just these hours, making it challenging to find time and energy to pursue other avenues of income. The “8-5” mentality is the number one enemy of those desiring financial freedom. Successful entrepreneurs will tell you that the best thing they did for themselves was to get rid of this way of thinking and learn to take advantage as opportunities presented.  


How To Break Free

You may realize that you are a victim of this mentality. Don’t worry; it is possible to break free, but it does take a willingness to take some risks. One way to start down the path of freedom is by investing more precisely in cryptos. Getting involved in crypto investments may seem daunting and risky. There are ways to invest in crypto and still minimize risk. Guy Gotslak from My Digital Money said, “I try to still reduce my risk by learning as much as I can about what I’m investing in…, I try to still take an empirical approach and learn as much as I can to reduce my risk.” Educating yourself before making any investment is a way to reduce risks. The more understanding you have about an investment, the less likely you will make poor financial decisions. 

Saving or Investing

Many people ask which is better, saving or investing. Why not do both? Many people attempt to establish massive savings to prepare for the unexpected. While having funds you can access quickly is essential, you should also have part of your savings in long-term investments. Financial freedom doesn’t come from what you save but from what your money does for you. Many Bitcoin holders are millionaires, but they still hold on to their coins even when the value drops because of their faith in their investments. And they also have a certain amount set aside for unexpected events.   


Here are some great takeaways:

  • Blockchain technology is an asset that you need to take advantage of.
  • Invest as much as you can, as often as you can, and maintain adequate savings to deal with unforeseen circumstances.
  • Before you invest, do your homework. Take the time to research crypto to find out what’s new with Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency.
  • Change your mindset. You are not confined to the 8-5 workday.  

Sometimes the fear of change prevents us from breaking out of cycles that keep us from succeeding. The “8-5” mentality is often a barrier to financial freedom. Break free from its hold by making your money work for you.

If you want to learn more about cryptocurrencies, download the 2021 Cryptocurrency Investment For Free:

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